Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Filming so far

Ok, like last Wednesday, I filmed in my double free and got some shots of the narrative done. Didn't get as much filmed as I would have hoped for 2 hours which is a bit disappointing but oh well :\ looks like I'm not getting everything filmed before Christmas like I hoped! Never mindddd

On a brighter note, I have just about finished the constraints essay, which is about particular constraints that may have affected my production, like money, copyright, etc. Just need to attach a few documents to the appendix and I'm done :)
Yay :)

Monday, 6 December 2010

First day of filming...

Went well yesterday :) got all the shots of the band that I needed and hoping that they'll look alright when uploaded onto the Macs :S

I completely forgot to take pictures of setting up though!! D: I'll have to take some on Wednesday when I'm filming part of the narrative.

I made a few changes to some of the shot types when I was filming so I'll have to include those on the final second-by-second or shotlist.

I'll upload some pictures on here by Wednesday hopefully :)
